Holly plants

Holly plants. In this new long-term project, I am not concerned with the significance of individual plants in a biblical context, or even their pharmaceutical healing properties, but much more with their consideration in the very large context of the universe.
Due to climate change caused by humans, and not only because of this, many plant species are threatened in their existence. Through human intervention in nature itself in any form, as well as through our way of life, including my own, nature and the natural environment of plants are permanently disturbed.
With my project, I would like to encourage people to highlight the special features of even the most apparently inconspicuous plant and thus to adopt a sustainable approach to the habitat we all live in.
I have collected all the plants shown in my works in my immediate surroundings. Be it on a grass verge or the winch and a building fence, by a stream or in a meadow.
Every plant species that disappears from our globe brings us a little closer to the point of irreversibility of global warming. Nature is perfectly attuned to each other in its uniqueness. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to preserve our habitat. It is not the argument that counts, what can I do as an individual? I think a lot! Because every change starts in a small way.
This project itself came about through studying the writings of Jakob Böhme (1575 to 1624). Jakob Böhme was a German theosophist and mystic. In his writings he claims that creation is not a finished process, but one that is always ongoing. A thought that I find very interesting.