Nächste Ausstellung -Langsam und ganz sacht- Städtische Galerie Iserlohn

Next exhibition LANGSAM UND GANZ SACHT Städtische Galerie Iserlohn. Soon it is so far and my next exhibition together with Hannah Schemel opens its doors. The exhibition runs from 10.02. to 09.04.2023, The vernissage will take place on 10.02. at 19 clock.
It introduces Hans Michael Koetzle to the exhibition, who describes himself as a freelance writer and journalist specializing in the history and aesthetics of photography. In fact, Mr. Koetzle is a real authority in the field of photography and was therefore awarded not least for his life's work by the German Society for Photographywith the highest award, the Culture Prize.
We show in the Städtische Galerie in Iserlohn about 50 works of the last years, but also current works.