Ein gutes neues Jahr wünsche ich Ihnen

I wish you a happy new year. Now the new year is almost a day old and I'm sitting here at the kitchen table, slowly reviewing the past year, in which a lot really happened. Enriching, moving, the death of my father, and of course things that went less well. I learned from everything and gained new experiences. Added new facets to my life.
I look forward to the new year with great confidence. At the end of last year I have already started to work out new ideas and am in the process of implementing them. Occupied me and will always do so, the German theosophist and mystic Jakob Böhme. After two years of studying his writings, I have now succeeded in implementing a first series of new works, Holy Flowers. In my next post I will introduce you to the project in more detail.
Right at the beginning of the new year in February, a large exhibition in the municipal gallery in Iserlohn is coming up. For this I am already preparing intensively. Hans Michael Koetzle will introduce the exhibition on 10.02. Immediately thereafter, two other large exhibitions are scheduled, to which I will refer separately.
I wish you, dear reader and art interested visitor of my homepage, all the best for the new year. Above all, happiness, contentment and health.
See you soon, your Steffen Diemer