Exhibition catalogue for my next exhibition -haruka ushiro-

Exhibition catalogue for my next exhibition haruka ushiro. Gallery Susanne Albrecht, Berlin,
28.05. to 05.06.2021. I am pleased and happy to be able to present this exhibition catalogue to you today.
The foreword was written by one of the most renowned photo critics Michael Koetzle, Munich. Ms. Albrecht shows about 44 pictures in the exhibition in her Berlin gallery.
Susanne Albrecht started her gallery in 1986 in Munich with exhibitions of contemporary American art. In 2009 she opened the gallery in Berlin, her programme shows young and established artists from Germany, Berlin, from China, Japan and Italy. Uncompromising love for art and respect for the artists has been the guiding principle of the gallery from the beginning, it keeps it alive until today.
Haruka Ushiro, -far behind- is meant to symbolise that it is not the first impression that shows a painting in all its complexity, even if originally only a tulip catches our eye.
I do not usually explain my pictures, so I would like to ask you to let the picture take effect on you once more. If you are interested in the exhibition catalogue, we would be happy to send it to you. It would be our pleasure!
Exhibition catalogue for my next exhibition -haruka ushiro-