Steffen Diemer wishes you a peaceful and reflective Christmas.
Steffen Diemer wishes you a peaceful and reflective Christmas. All quiet. A beautiful poem by Theodor Fontane fits wonderfully in this very special time, I think. I like it very much to connect image and word.

All quiet!
All is still! It dances the round dance
Moonlight in forest and meadow,
And above the silence is enthroned
And the winter sky only.
All is silent! In vain listens
One listens in vain to the crow's cry.
Not a spruce's top rustles,
And no brook hums by.
All is quiet! The village huts
Are like graves to behold,
Which, covered with snow, stand in the midst
Of a wide graveyard.
All is quiet! Nothing do I hear knocking
As my heart through the night -
Hot tears dripping down
On the cold winter splendour.
Theodor Fontane
In this spirit, I wish you a reflective Christmas. It will certainly be a different Christmas than we know it. But it also offers the chance to look at things in a new light. The work shown is an ambrotype, handmade for me on black glass, unique in the size 28x35cm.