Inner contemplation and silence


Inner contemplation and silence. This need is not only felt by us inundated people of the digital information age. It can also be found in the most diverse historical epochs and cultures.

For me, there is a connection between the Christian mystic Jacob Böhme, who I have been studying for a long time, and Japanese Zen Buddhism, which I am also familiar with. It is about recognising the wordless experiences of: NOTHING, SOMETHING, SELF, NATURE, GOD, GROUND, UNDERGROUND and SILENCE.
Yesterday I heard a programme on Deutschlandfunk about exactly this, which fascinated me.
It confirmed to me once again that I should continue on my chosen path. The search for stillness in my own pictures, based on a divine creation of nature.

Not only the writings of the mystic Jacob Böhme (1575-1624), but also Hisamatsu's theories in Zen and the fine arts are helpful to me in my search.

Kanso - simplicity, Fukinsei - asymmetry, Koko - the austere sublimity, Shizen - naturalness, Daisuzoku - freedom from routines, Sei-jaku - tranquillity, Yügen - deep grace