Happy new year

We wish you all the best for the new year. We also had to arrive first, recharge our batteries between the years. Enjoying the peace and quiet and the unique magic that unfolds in you as the old year comes to an end and you eagerly await the new year and what awaits you in the new year.
You know what challenges the past year has brought you. What you have mastered well or not so well. That's what we humans are for. But also the happiness and love you have for your partner when you have someone like that by your side who will stick with you through thick and thin. For me, this is my life partner Kirsten, who gives me so much, she means everything to me. I'm grateful for that every day.
Naturally, we try to look into the future at the beginning of the year. Fortunately, we don't succeed. What the foresight has planned for us will happen. I firmly believe that we can neither influence nor direct it in any way. We are forced to accept everything as it comes.
We therefore wish our friends and you health, strength, satisfaction with what you do and happiness. Stay safe and arrive safely in the new year.
Yours sincerely, Steffen Diemer and Kirsten Keller
Credit for that outstanding portrait of us: Bernhard Müller/Salzburg