Algae, the sensual beauties


Algae, the sensual beauties. Today I have completed a cycle of works that I have been working on for over 2 years. It's a curious story how it came about. My wife discovered the herbarium at our antiquarian bookshop. She realised that the seaweed collected between 1866 and 1869 was all gathered around Quiberon.
A place that I like and appreciate very much, that has served me as a retreat for years and still does, and to which I simply have a very special relationship.
All the algae collected are listed individually in the herbarium according to species, place of discovery and year.
It took me a while to familiarise myself with the subject. However, the longer I looked at it, the more I became fascinated by the algae. Seaweed already played a role in early Japanese poetry from the Heian period (794-1185). In Japan, seaweed is called wakame, which means young lady. They are associated with the graceful movement under water. Algae play a significant role in the formation of life in general. They are the largest CO2 reservoir on earth. Like all plants, they are marvellous creations. Creation itself is the realm of invention, of art and the realm of truth. Every species is endowed with perfect wisdom. Nothing superfluous, nothing without the right use.

The new series of works is very complex and has many layers. What inspired me and moved me to deal with it would take up too much space here now. I will therefore be publishing interesting new aspects of this here in the future.

The idea for the project came from Kirsten, for which I am very grateful, as it has opened up wonderful new worlds for me.